Full Stack JavaScript Developer
Learn the incredibly popular and in-demand JavaScript language. This course makes no assumptions of prior computer programming experience. We begin with the very basics and slowly but surely work our way up to writing JavaScript code to power every aspect of an application.
Why Learn Javascript?
Javascript is one of the main programming languages used in web development. Not only is javascript easy to use and very versatile, but those who have the skills to use it are in very high demand. Companies are always looking for people with Javascript proficiency. It is a great language to learn if you are interested in web development because the skills you learn from Javascript online courses are very transferable.
Javascript for Beginners with Online Classes
Take an introductory level JavaScript class at ef-Oneweb and learn about syntax, conditionals, and programming for web applications. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)’s JavaScript Introduction teaches you how to add JavaScript code in your Web site/Web app, debug it, and make interactive Web sites.
You’ll learn the basics of DOM API, change the CSS styles of HTML5 elements from JavaScript, deal with HTML5 forms, and take on many more coding tasks.
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